I have been a long time fan of Lara Croft and all of the Tomb Raider games. This, hands down, has to be my favorite of all of them. Video games, in general, have come so far when it comes to the realistic elements. I played the game over the course of a week. During that week, I actually felt like I was Lara Croft.
The story itself is an origins story. You begin as young Lara Croft who isn't too sure of herself. Her confidence is low and she seems much more shy than you would normally picture her. As the game progresses, her strength is tested. Every cut scene is intense and the brutality is pure awesome. I found myself saying, "how much more is this poor girl gonna have to take!". Every part takes her confidence and skill level to new heights. By the end of the game, she becomes the confident and ready-for-action girl we all know and love.
During the game, you acquire new weapons and skill points. Gathering salvage throughout the game allows you to choose your own weapon upgrades and pick what your next skill is going to be. They range from climbing skills all the way to weapon expert skills.
The upgrades and skills are extremely important as the game continues. The enemies are everywhere and come in packs. Stealth is important and you'll probably use your trusty bow and arrows more than the shotgun or pistol, but they are all important!
The combat is action packed and may cause you to rage quit once or twice. Enemies will shoot not only bullets, but fiery and explosive arrows! That is one of the most frustrating parts.
The island is vast, but it is easy to maneuver. There are plenty of collectibles to find and tombs to raid. And yes, to answer your question, there are plenty of wolves, too. The land is also loaded with puzzles and mysterious items.
All in all, the game was a blast to play. Character development was fantastic, at least with Lara. Graphics were great and fairly realistic. The amount of blood and gore was perfect (not too much, not too little). The story of the island seemed too cheesy, but the rest of the game makes up for it. I absolutely cannot wait for the next Tomb Raider game. I, also, highly recommend this game if you haven't played it yet!
I'm giving it a 9.5 out of 10.
*I am, by no means, an expert gamer. I play casually, and these are my own opinions. Take it or leave it, but these are my thoughts.*