Saturday, August 14, 2010


Wow life is crazy.
And I love every minute of it.

I can honestly say I'm the happiest I've ever been. Things have been rough, but somehow that makes little difference towards the way I feel.

I still need a job and I have to pay back a lot of money, but all of that will settle in time.
I finally turned 21. It's not even that I'm legally allowed to drink alcohol. It's as though the air is different now. Somehow I feel cleansed of all the bad things that were once in my life, including the bad feelings.
Everything is settling into place one by one. It seems my prayers have been answered. God has been blessing me with various people, lessons, and experiences.
My faith is stronger than ever, I feel closer to my family, I feel my friends and I are finally on the same page.
There is not one negative person who can bring me down again.
I feel beautiful.
And look it, too! ;)

You may look at me and think "Her life sucks. She has no money or a job."
But despite that positivity reigns. I am rich, beautiful, happy, and nothing can stop me. God has given me so much. And I can't thank him enough.
Once I let go of the negativity and the stress, I gave everything to Him. In return, he showed me the person I was meant to be. The person I am becoming every single day. I still don't know what lies down the road for me. I don't know where I'll be twenty years from now, but right now I'm alive and well. And nothing else matters.


So this week's lesson kiddos,
THINK HAPPY THOUGHTS. They'll take you places you've never dreamed of.

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